“Of course, since I have been faithfully following the MCU from the very beginning, I was quite eager to check this last instalment of the Guardians of”
“Las películas de Guardianes de la Galaxia son justamente celebradas y muy queridas, trayendo de vuelta incluso a quienes ya se habían bajado del bar”
“Note: There is only one spoiler in this review, but it is a big one. This anime stands out a bit for being quite mature and relaxed with its subject matter, and because of its visuals. It’s otherwise nothing special in terms of plot.
I originally watched this title back in 2017, and just” read more
“Time for Another review of a P.A. Works show that I absolutely despised that was equally beat to death, this time attempting to do a horror series and resulting in one of the most beloved unintentional comedies of all time within the medium, that nowadays is remembered as a better Mayoiga, a title t” read more
“I remember when I began watching seasonal anime and this show was hailed as one of the best and most recommended ever. Now it stands in a weird status, as it’s remembered as the best not KyoAni Jun Maeda show after the two huge flops he would make later, yet for the same reason seemingly nobody go” read more
“This ova is dumb as fuck, and I know that’s a strong and harsh way to begin a review but I find no other nor more appropriate way to sum it up. The premise has a woman paying a private investigator to find her criminal husband to see him one last time, it’s sentimental but also kind of cheesy fr” read more
“Why do I do this? I recently covered Ghost Hound, a title I found very hard to review, and here I am writing about Paranoia Agent, an anime that I find even harder to talk about. Sigh
Mousou Dairinin is a series that works way more on a conceptual level than at its execution, and it’s al” read more
“This will cover both versions
There was a short lived period/phase in my life at the beginning of 2014 where I would read a bunch of yuri manga altogether, Citrus which I dropped, this one that I never finished, Netsuzou Trap, one of the worst, most toxic pieces of shit I’ve read in my l” read more
“Although rare, Masaaki Yuasa has some misses among his works, and Kemonozume is one of them. It was the only important show of his left for me to watch and I was surprised with how bad it was, considering he made it between Mind Game and Kaiba.
The premise isn’t very captivating, it’s” read more
“Disclaimer: Although I don’t think I include any spoilers that would ruin the experience, I do talk about the aspects of the show that usually confuse viewers the most, by describing several of it plot points in perhaps more details than a first time watcher would want. For a short opinion, it is ” read more
“Note: This review is filled with spoilers, to explain how bad the anime is.
Blue Drop is a lesbian show where one of the main girls killed the whole family of the other, and the first interaction they have in series, but not chronologically, is the former strangling the latter, and not bec” read more
“Figure 17 is the cute story about a little girl who gets parasitized by an alien who takes her form, stays on her house, eats part of her food, pretends to be her twin, is part of the brainwash of her father to make him think he always had two daughters, becomes better than her at everything at scho” read more
“Before I start I would like to give two warnings: Fist, I love this show, so this review is most likely going to be very biased, second, I did not (and will not) play the videogame, so the mentions of it I could make are going to be limited to what I saw on just one walkthrough, and of course, I am ” read more
“Note: There might be a little bit of spoilers in here. To sum it up: the visuals and atmosphere are great, but there is very little plot and characters in here, and what is in it, is a waste of time.
It’s interesting that this donghua even caught some attention, given that initially the” read more