“"When you're young everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not... It's just the beginning." Imagine a feeble, generic screenplay (mixi”
“I should’ve talked about this movie before Huang Yan because it came out earlier but well, not much to do since I watched the other title first. Whenever this film is talked about, it’s compared with that series, Perfect Blue and the works of Junji Ito, and although I see the resemblance to them” read more
“I initially wanted to watch this series two weeks ago but held it back for a while because I wanted to watch and review all the drama/thriller movies about some surgeon killing young girls to implant their skins on a relative of his who suffered some accident that I could find before this one series” read more
“Don Bluth was one of the few animators who worked outside of Disney and had any kind of success with his various projects at different studios. But Bl”
“El cortometraje es divertido, pero honestamente tiene una calificación tan alta más que nada por aspectos técnicos y no lo recomendaría a aquellos”
“Hablar de esta película no es algo que personalmente me motive, no sólo por ser tremendamente mala, sino porque a estas alturas sería patear un cab”
“I don't really know what to make of this one.... It's not bad, just incredibly odd. And, honestly, Mickey takes on an angrier tone here that just does”
“A bit of a deconstruction of the superhero genre, which revolves more around the psychology and relationship of the characters rather than on the supe”
“I already saw this movie but, since it was a while back and since it was available on Disney+, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, I have to”
“Five years separate Disney’s last entertaining film and this one. What Meet the Robinsons lacks in coherent narrative and character development it m”
“Is it good? Is it bad? I guess the answer to that lies squarely with whether or not you grew up with Heavy Metal, or if you’re a thirteen-year-old s”