“Since I already covered every major Monogatari (anime) part, I figured I could do the same with the manga and make it my last review about the franchise. Comparisons will be made but nothing regarding major plot points, of which I already wrote about, so this review theoretically could work for newc” read more
“I want to watch this as the review (below) from IMDB is good. A brilliantly disturbing film, unlike anything I have ever seen. This is an incredibly ”
“ Paul Verhoeven debe ser el director de cine al que el tiempo más ha reivindicado. Sus películas solían recibir una recepción de modesta a demole”
“En una época en donde la gorra y el querer unirse a la policía es visto como algo infame y atrasado, nunca es mal momento para recordar porqué me g”
“Review from http://www.squabblebox.co.uk RoboCop is very much an outsider’s view of America. If anyone other than Dutch maverick Paul Verhoeven ha”
“Cube, written by Andre Bijelic & directed by Vincenzo Natali was released in 1997amd stars David Hewlett, Nicole de Boer and Maurice Dead Wint. The fi”
“Just about any movie that features some sort of death scene within the first 4 or 5 minutes grabs my attention; as if to say "before the credits Shawn”

“Since I kept hearing some great things about this movie, I was really eager to check it out. To be honest, with its running time of more than 9 hours,”
“How does one review a movie such as this? Well, I'm going to try. It has been said that nobody can fully understand how horrible the Holocaust was, be”
“FIRST IMPRESSIONS Henry Roth meets Lucy Whitmore and thinks he's finally found the girl of his dreams, until he discovers she has short-term memory”
“Even though I'm far from being a fan of Adam Sandler, I still end up watching his movies. To be honest, pretty much like 'Grown Ups', this one was not”
“Of course, since I have never cared for Adam Sandler, I wasn't really expecting much from this flick but, somehow, I still ended up watching the damne”
“The second season adapts the divisive Farmland arc, which mutates the plot from a manly war drama to mostly an introspective slice of life drama in a farm. The change is huge and it’s understandable why many don’t like it, myself included, I found it to be a very dull season for the most part, a” read more
“Back in 2019 I remember starting two big titles within the medium at the same time. I began watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes and reading Vinland Saga and switch between them two whenever I didn’t find one of them fun, so after some point in the “second season” of LOGH I would focus entir” read more