“Boku no Daemon is an animated series that was partially made by Japanese people, its original audio is Japanese, and its story takes place in Japan, yet because it is also partially a production from Thailand, it is only included in one anime database that I know of, I was even surprised of it being” read more
“Disclaimer: This review discusses the flaws within the biggest plot twists of the series, so yeah it has spoilers in it.
Since Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers is universally considered to be crap, I would instead like to start with its aspects that I half liked or appreciated:
1” read more
“Henjin no Salad Bowl is simply and essentially Hinamatsuri at home.
This time the premise is not about esper girls but rather an actual fantasy reverse isekai where they fall on our world, and one of them over the male protagonist. Despite the characters using magic, at least the powers ha” read more
“While I didn’t watch everything I would have liked from any year in the history of the medium, 2018 is easily the worst year in anime history that I remember, based on everything that I watched so far that came out in it. I still have to watch some other titles to see if I’m wrong or not, but un” read more
“After watching two Bang Dream anime and being completely put off by everything about the early episodes of Girls Band Cry and drop it, I tried my luck with the actual title of the girls band/idol-ish subgenre I wanted to watch, which is this. As expected, it is the only one I enjoyed and the only on” read more
“It seems that Japan has been taking the girls band/idol-ish subgenre a bit more seriously lately, so I wanted to check out some of those titles, starting with this entry of the vast BanG Dream multimedia franchise and all of their bands.
Word online says that it’s different from other en” read more
“This will cover both entries, as I don’t have much to say about each one.
2020 was a very weird year in every way, and regarding anime specifically, it was one of the least hyped years in history. Even the most popular and higher rated titles of that year are pretty much left behind by n” read more
“After watching Abenobashi and Sonny Boy I went on to hunt some other stand out titles and after being bored by Loser Ranger I started this one.
Coincidentally, it is also about traveling to weird places, with references to other stuff, and the setting being the result of the subconscious o” read more
“Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai is hailed as one of the best isekai and anime comedies by the elitist crowd within the anime community, for three reasons:
1-It’s retro, that means older, and thus better.
2-It’s about anti-escapism, a commonly praised theme and message among that” read more
“This will be one of the short ones, as there isn’t really much to say about this title, and I’m writing this one now mostly for clarifying some things just like I did with The Silent Service.
First, this movie was somewhat infamous and mostly ignored among fans on the different anime d” read more
“Note: This will cover the whole franchise as it is already finished and there is not much to say about each entry on its own.
If Yuru Camp is an exception of my usual disinterest of the cute girls doing cute things subgenre, Hibike! Euphonium is THE exception, as it is easily my favourite ” read more
“Note: This will cover all the entries up until now, as I don’t find much to say about each one.
I was never a fan of moe series and stuff because to me they’re a bit tryhard in trying to pass their characters as cutesy and adorable while simultaneously making them seem stupid and menta” read more
“Note: This will cover the whole franchise up until now, I don’t find much to say for each entry as a whole.
Somehow, KonoSuba stormed the world 8 YEARS AGO through some gifs and shorts as the most hilarious anime ever, and obviously that ended up attracting some haters later on. Personal” read more