3 months, 3 weeks ago
Fernando Leonel Alba voted for a review of The Stanley Parable
“Stanley Parable es como The Truman Show hecho videojuego, bueno técnicamente, no existe mucha jugabilidad fuera de ir de un lado al otro sin mucha in”
3 months, 4 weeks ago
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Fernando Leonel Alba added 5 items to their collection
4 months ago
“To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from this flick but since it was involving Benicio Del Toro and since it was available on Netflix, I thought I”
4 months ago
Fernando Leonel Alba added 21 items to their collection
4 months ago
Fernando Leonel Alba added 65 items to their collection
4 months, 1 week ago
Fernando Leonel Alba added 11 items to their collection
4 months, 1 week ago
Fernando Leonel Alba added 5 items to their collection
4 months, 1 week ago
Fernando Leonel Alba added 1 item to My biggest disappointments in entertainment list
Well after reading for years about it being one of the best and weirdest Japanese movies ever, and even hearing recommendations about it, I was somewhat interested in it despite its long duration and after watching it I have to say I'm disappointed.
If you ever watched any high school drama romance, or ecchi, or even hentai anime, you've seen every single trope, plot point and element that's present here.
To its credit, lost of titles with similar elements to it came out after this movie, so maybe they fed off it instead of the other way around.
Also, it's not porn so it's automatically better than every hentai out there that isn't Belladonna of Sadness, and it does have an ongoing plot so it's better than most ecchi anime and manga, but all of its good elements have been done better by other titles.
Masturbation Master Kurosawa is better for a guy ruining his life for being caught doing perverted stuff, Aku no Hana/Flowers of Evil (manga) is better as a series about edgy teenagers with strict and/or absent parents, and all three versions of Welcome to the NHK are better at handling a pervert who photographs panties being helped by an equally damaged girl, schams, religious cults and a whole more stuff included.
Thus this is not really worth checking out outside of curiosity.
4 months, 1 week ago
Fernando Leonel Alba voted for a review of Orion and the Dark
“I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but, since it was written by Charlie Kaufman and since it had received some solid reviews, I was”
4 months, 1 week ago
Fernando Leonel Alba added 41 items to their collection
4 months, 2 weeks ago